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Greetings! It is a joy to meet you.
My name is Anne Denmark and I have a calling on my life to encourage ministry leaders.
I myself have been one, and now as a seasoned coach, I support many leaders to live a life that reflects Christ’s joy amidst constant changes, tough challenges and increasing choices.
You give so much, yet the needs of people you minister to just keep coming. This makes it critical to take time to focus on your own core values and competencies. Doing the right things in your own personal and professional life makes you a strong leader.
It would be an honor as a highly experienced and ICF qualified coach, to partner with you.
The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters,
but one who has insight draws them out.– Proverbs 20:5

See Where Anne Has Been Featured
Professional Christian Coaching Today
Life Story Timelines
with Anne Denmark
Tune in to discover a new tool that can be used in a variety of settings.
Pull forward the best of the past and use a coach approach to empower others in sharing their stories.
Learn more about:
- 3 ways to use the discovery tool
- 3 ways to implement coaching techniques in the discovery process
- The value of self-awareness and of story, using the Life Story Timeline
Professional Christian Coaching Today
Effective Public Speaking
with Carol Kent and Anne Denmark
Are you interested in public speaking but not sure where to begin?
Carol Kent and Anne Denmark share a storehouse of wisdom that will prepare you to maximize your effectiveness.
Tune to discover:
- 4 reasons to add public speaking to your marketing strategy
- How to keep your audience engaged
- What to do off platform
- Ways to leverage your style
Chained No More
Starting Over After a Big Loss
with Anne Denmark
Anne Denmark, a professional life coach, discusses what it takes to start over after a big loss, such as a divorce, loss of a job or career, death of a loved one, etc.
She talks about the actual steps to take to begin again.
She talks about
- Stages of change
- Dangers of isolation
- Fear of change
- How to be purposeful with each step