I am so glad you asked. It all started when I was a child spending countless hours of discovery on my grandparent’s farm. I loved the family farm.
After the evening meal when the heat and the day’s work were done, my granddad would take a folding lawn chair out to the front lawn to sit. That’s right. I said sit – just sit. In the summer it was the coolest place to be. There was no air conditioning in the century-old farm house.
Soon other family members including cousins and sometimes a neighbor or two would pull up a chair to join him under the honey locust tree. That’s when granddad would say to my grandma; “Mom, can you make us some “bug juice?” Bug juice was Kool-aid mixed up in a plastic pitcher and brought out with a stack of metallic colored cups. We sipped flavored water and reflected on the happenings of the day.
My grandpa was a master story teller and he shared wonderful recollections of people and quirky neighbors (at least they sounded quirky to me). Maybe quirky is a way of saying they had lots of character and just maybe my granddad embellished the details. There was laughter and idle chat. It was a time to ease up and listen. It was a time to reflect on the progress of the day and chew on the good things.
Meanwhile mosquitoes were drawn to the sweetness of the Kool-aid and soon several were swimming in the red or green or purple water. And so … like many others, my granddad called our refreshment ‘bug juice’. The name sticks to this day.
I named my blog Bug Juice because it is a reflective perspective on my work as a life coach. It is a chance to sip on the sweetness of the day- to pause and savor the stuff of life – the comical, the disastrous and the deeper stuff too. Pull up a chair and join me.
Did you ever drink ‘bug juice’ as a child?